Reduce, Reuse

GarbageThe Recyclegarbage can was sitting beside the back porch when we moved in, definitely unlovely. The area behind the hemlocks at the side of the house was a mess. Last spring, in the process of trying to get something else done, we discovered the old garbage area, cleaned it up, and built a compost pile.  We got a huge recycle bin and a small garbage bin, but this spring our service provided everyone with a new garbage bin (no recycle).  We couldn’t fill it in a month.

This new area isn’t visible from the street, the house, the back porch or the rest of the yard; just a glimpse from the path to the back gate (where the bins are hauled for pickup.)

One thought on “Reduce, Reuse

  1. This week the City of Cincinnati announced that the department of solid waste management would be providing larger recycle bins to City residents. A study of the space required to hold solid waste versus providing more recycling options showed that, in addition to being more green, recycling is cheaper in the long run.

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