After the Chemo’s Over

Hello to all. I’m feeling almost normal two weeks after the last chemo. Most of my tastebuds seem to be working, and I can even feel all my toes. Yesterday I spent going around to various medical establishments – radiology oncologist, my Herceptin infusion, a MUGA (neat radiological video of my heart), an MRI, and a discussion with the surgeon’s office.I’m scheduled for a double mastectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy on January 8. Even though MRI in September showed nothing visible, my surgeon and oncologist are concerned I would be at higher risk for a recurrence with just a lumpectomy. I’ve decided against immediate reconstruction. I’ll be in the hospital overnight, and off work for 2-3 weeks. Once I can raise my arms above my head again, usually 2-3 weeks, I’ll start radiation therapy, which will be daily for about 6 weeks, at the same clinic I’ve been going to for chemotherapy. So I should be all done with treatment before the end of March, except for the Herceptin which will continue every three weeks for a year. I have about a quarter inch of hair back already, so I’m hoping to be out of the wig, too, by then or soon after.
Meanwhile, I get a break from treatment for three weeks, Hilde’s graduation is next week (yay, Hilde!), Arend will be home for that, and both will be here for the holidays and several weeks into January.

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